Pumpkin Carving @ The Goat Shed

Wow what a busy weekend it’s been at The Goat Shed!
We’ve been getting into the spooky spirit and offering our customers the chance to enjoy some socially distanced Pumpkin Carving.

The team at the Goat Shed had a superb, fun week holding our Pumpkin Carving Events, we got to meet lots of our lovely customers and we must say the whole team was completely blown away by how creative the children (and some adults!) have been!
Each booking had a table laden with two pumpkins, all the tools, pens and stencils needed to create a masterpiece, and of course to keep the the creative juices flowing, all kiddies received fruit squash and cookies, adults of course received a hot drink!

With the success of this year we are definitely planning to continue this new tradition in 2021!