Whats new at Fielding Cottage September 2020

Congratulations to Judy Bodger who was our competition winner and who received a fabulous BBQ hamper full of goodies from a variety of our local suppliers for the bank holiday weekend!
Second place winners who received a bucket of Algy’s Norfolk Popcorn were:
David Ross , Julia Sheldrake , Diane Savage

Thank you to everyone who entered our Bank Holiday Competition and please keep an eye out for future competitions in store and on our socials: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @fieldingcottage.
As I am sure you have all seen the new Farm Shop is coming along quickly, the framework started to be constructed on the 6th August and now the concrete has been laid this week so hopefully it will not be long until we are welcoming you through the doors

As well as the building we have been busy researching new products to stock in the Farm Shop, to make sure the new shop has everything you desire please continue to fill out the suggestion forms that can be found just in the entrance to the farm shop.
We would also like to say a huge thank you to every single on of you, for your understanding and patience during the building process!