Hello February!

Hello February!

I’m a big fan of February, signs of spring are starting to appear and the longer days and warmer weather seem that little bit closer.

While walking the dogs this week I took a couple of minutes out to appreciate how the season is changing, the daffodils running along the verge by the entrance to the Farm Shop are starting to appear and I even spied some snowdrops, these little changes are so easy to miss in our busy lives, but I think it’s important to make time to appreciate these signs of new life!

Speaking of new life, we’ve had a couple of customers ask whether the goats will be having kids this Spring, well the answer is, we certainly hope so! Some of you may have noticed the arrival of Darius (the billy goat) late last year, let’s just say he seems to have settled in very well and so fingers crossed! The nanny’s will be scanned soon, so we will be a bit more in the know about any new arrivals and I promise you will be the first to hear the news!

‘You’ve GOAT the Love’

I’m a bit of an old romantic, some of you may be surprised to hear this, but I totally get on board with Valentine’s! It’s also my wife Caroline’s birthday in February, so it’s a double whammy for me…

If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration on what to buy that special person in your life then be sure to pop in to the shop soon as right now it is a chocolate lovers heaven! New products from The Little Chocolate Company arrived in this week, you may have seen them on our socials, but chocolate lobsters and Prince Charming chocolate frogs feature, plus a very exciting delivery from local producer, Lifetime of Chocolate. Chloe makes incredible hand-crafted chocolate treats and her Valentine’s range is amazing!

For those of you not so keen on chocolate, next week we have a delivery coming in of fresh cut flowers, macarons from Hilton Macarons and some ‘Bigod I Love You’ heart shaped cheeses from Fen Farm Dairy, it’s just been named the UK’s best cheese no less!

This week the ‘You’ve GOAT the Love’ Specials menu launched in the Kitchen and it’s already proving to be very popular!

Check out the new specials menu on our website <https://www.fieldingcottage.co.uk/ .

‘Share the Love’ Grazer

The big question…are you traditional lemon & sugar or more adventurous with your pancake toppings??

Whatever your preference, don’t forget pancake day on 21st February. The Goat Shed team have a pancake race planned in the run up as a bit of fun, so keep your eye out for that on our socials, thank goodness we have some first aiders on the team!

The Kitchen team have gone all out for pancake day this year as we know how much our customers love our pancakes, so they’ve created a pancake week specials menu, there’s a different pancake flavour for every day of the week!

In other news, myself and a couple of the team went on a bit of a road trip this week to the Cotswolds to explore what other farm shops are up to…let’s just say we left brimming with new ideas, the car journey home was non stop planning for the future…Norfolk, we’ve got this!!

Remember to keep sharing the love in our local community, tag us @fieldingcottage, in your Goat Shed experience on socials, I can’t tell you how happy it makes the team and I seeing you enjoying what we have created here!