The Goat Shed turns two!

The Goat Shed turns two!

This sunshine and warmer weather is a bit of a treat isn’t it! The days certainly feel like they’re getting longer and with the burst of colour of fresh tulips and daffodils in the shop it feels as if Spring is certainly on its way.

I mentioned it briefly in last weeks newsletter, but the 17th February is the second anniversary of the shop opening, the Kitchen was a bit later in the year, so we’ll be going all out celebrating our second anniversary in May!

I’m not normally one for reminiscing, however the last two years have been quite the adventure…. So please indulge me just this once!

Cast you mind back to how it all started, in a little wooden shed, bags of potatoes, jars of honey and little packets of cheese, jump forward a few days, the wind had got up and the rain was coming in, so we swept out the back of the barn and moved in, apple crates and all. Then my little videos started to become famous when we were one of the only places locally who had flour – who can remember our wall of flour?? Stacks and stacks of –self raising, plain and bread along with the massive packets of yeast (which I’m sure some of you are still using now!) the 3 kilo bags of pasta and let’s not forget the famous toilet roll stack! Funny to think what products we managed to lay our hands on when even the supermarkets couldn’t!

The shop was so basic, we didn’t even have lights in the shed back then! I remember one morning snow blowing in one side of the building, Juliet had never had so many pairs of socks on and we even bought her a heated jacket. Initially we had just a calculator, a pen and a honesty box, think how far we’ve come now we can scan through nearly every product in the shop – what an adventure and one that wouldn’t have been possible without your input, letting us know which products you wanted us to source for you, just as it is today, if you ask for something, we will do our very best to source it for you!

Looking ahead we have lots of exciting plans for The Goat Shed, continuing to celebrate the plethora of amazing local producers we have, sourcing high quality produce for our customers and creating interesting and exciting dishes in our Kitchen – there’s a lot going on! We are so grateful that as we have grown our true supporters have stayed with us, this constant support is a big comfort to us and something we remain focused on rewarding and showing you how much it means to us.

Our Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea event is getting booked up fast, so if you’re still hoping to bring your mum for a special treat at The Goat Shed on Sunday 19th March then please make sure you visit the website and book in, the Kitchen team have designed such a beautiful menu for you all! Just to let you all know this is a booked occasion only, so we can make sure every mum, step mum, Grandma, whoever your special person may be is thoroughly spoilt and looked after as very much deserved.

Click the link to book

Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea – Goat Shed style! – Fielding Cottage

It’s International Women’s Day on 6th March and we thought it would be nice to celebrate all the amazing female artisan producers in our local area, so if you know of any women who deserve some recognition for their incredible work and produce a beautiful product that perhaps we should be aware of please do let us know – we’re always looking for new and interesting local producers.